Ballycatter Service Information for Service Providers, Manufacturers, Distributors
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  • Partners is a good strategic business choice

A good strategy gives a positive direction to your company. A digital marketing strategy is just as important as salespeople. Marketing is an added value for the sales potential. 89% of B2B buyers use the internet during the B2B research process. Of course, you want to be seen online (as well as offline)!

Are your products clearly visible online? Can companies easily find you through the internet noise because your website uses marketing and technology that makes this possible? Do you only use social media or do you utilize multiple channels to make your company more visible? Ballycatter has the technology, online marketing knowledge, industry background, and know how to make an opportunity a real potential sale.

Choose for Opportunities

The start of opportunities is that the prospect is able to find you. Using short or long-tale questions on a search engine, the prospect is able to reach you via the Ballycatter platform and find what they are looking for.

One of the early steps in the sales process involves giving information. When the prospect finds the seller, and this is the equipment where he or she is looking for. When the prospect is interested, they look further to get more understanding of the company.

Ballycatter shows per page, photos and useful technical information about the seller's equipment. On every equipment page, the seller can make a link to the business page and/or Tech note articles.

With a business page linked to every equipment page, the prospect is able to get to learn more about the company and also learn the other offerings from the seller.

Click from the business page to a chosen equipment with ease and vice-versa. On all equipment and business pages, the prospect has the ability to make contact.

When the seller also has chosen a Tech Note link on the equipment pages, this gives the prospect more chance to get more independent information about the equipment - Research is one important part of the decision-making process. With a link on the equipment page and a link on Tech note, the prospect can find you and get the information that is needed for the buying decision. It gives trust, clarity, and a step closer to making contact and starting (or continuing) a business relationship.

Do not overlook the opportunities of being on the industry marketplace

Internal research shows that 90% of 7000+ engineers from various countries would like to use an industrial marketplace.

Businesses with high online visibility have unlimited potential, both domestically and globally. Significant growth opportunities are crucial for businesses. According to Pew Research Center, experts predict B2B on the internet will become 'like electricity'.

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