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The Advantages of a Marketplace

You are probably aware of the power of online selling. But have you ever thought about the possibility of selling via an online platform? Maybe selling via a platform like is your next step to more growth for your company. Discover how Ballycatter works for you!

Prepare for more leads

You may have been to an oil and gas industry exhibition on one or more occasions, and no doubt you have thought about participating as an exhibiter at some point or maybe you have. In fact, Ballycatter marketplace works in the same way as a trade show.

Basically, the online marketplace has become a substitute for in-person industry events. Technology has changed everything, but at the same time builds on the logical business mind of the exhibitor.

The online marketplace has major advantages for global and local sales. Showcasing the equipment online gives potential buyers the advantage to find the equipment, get the information and makes it easy to make contact. With marketplace it puts your products in front of the millions of potential customers actively searching.

With a precense on Ballycatter, our search engine optimization enables industry buyers to find your products. We apply many different technical processes and are continually updating to make it as easy as possible for the right people to find your equipment.

As a marketplace, the target customers are drawn in because it is the location to find a variety of industrial equipment. This digital foot traffic increase your visibility to the correct people as well.

Powerful business opportunity

Ballycatter is crushing the internet in terms of making equipment visible to the right viewers (your customers) through a combination of building a collective infrastructure, SED (Search Engine Domination rather than just Optimization), and other core features focused to make this happen.

With the marketplace, you are able to reach scale by leveraging all the companies in the network. The existing network effect acts as a buffer to competition and only increases the value-add to existing customers when additional companies join. The marketplace creates networks and supports the exchange of information about equipment and brands. It gives customers easier ways to ask for more information and place orders.

Reasons people are using the Marketplace

  • The online Marketplace is able to support new and related types of businesses
  • Online Marketplaces allow some customers to access a market of closely related equipment companies they would not have otherwise seen. With the reduced impact of geographic barriers, the online marketplace makes unique businesses more viable by expanding their potential customer base.
  • Professional networks such as Ballycatter are now the new standard tools in the industry.
  • These platforms increase the pool of potential buyers available, bringing in candidates from a wider area and those not actively looking for equipment.
  • The cost of advertising is much lower on online the Marketplace and more flexible than printed media, and avoids the trap of ever increasing-pricing from mainstream search engines which continuously put up barriers to generate revenue for themselves.

The Marketplace is useful from a user perspective

The costs for being part of the Marketplace is varied depending on the alternatives selected.

Some sellers on the online Marketplace would prefer to sell directly (face-to-face) and to continue to do business in the traditional way. However, they also understand the online Marketplace is much cheaper than driving or flying to the potential leads. Therefore they spread their chances and take use both ways (online and offline).

More targeting equals more sales

The Marketplace serves an important role in bringing people and business together.

It facilitates the commercial exchange of goods, services and information which would not have otherwise happened.

The economic functions of the Marketplace

Providing infrastructure

An improvement in the convenience of an industry business being online.

Collecting, organising information

A reduction in costs as initial screening of new prospects can be done online.

Facilitating communication and information exchange

Increased points of contact and hot leads actively sarching for the equipment.

Aggregating supply and demand

A greater variety of availability products, but also more relevant products, and expanding the available market through the network effect.

Facilitating market processes

Be able to understand what your customer needs by having them initiate contact with you based on your advertised equipment, optimizing your prospecting process.

Providing trust

The benefits of improved engagement by customers seeing an increased online presence.

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